Saturday, December 19, 2009


OK - a very rough picture, but put the sled and the santa together, and had a look to get an idea of what I'm going to do with the basing.

Decided I should do a roo-top scene, with a large industrial chimney, which santa is going to dive down to exade xenos scum.

I want to be able to take this diorama apart, and base the ogryn seperately, so I decided to magnatise the sled chains to the ball the ogryn is pulling.

ALso put in his base colours. A mix of red gore and scorched brown and black for his skins, white and Kommando Khaki for the fur, with tallarn flesh skin, with a thinned wash of ogryn flesh and blue. I'm going to be mixing blues into his skin tones to give him a cold look, as well as contrasting nicely with the red and the white.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa's sled.

I wanted this to look quite crude, so used gw sprus for the 'skis' and then bits of plastic card to make up the frame. I'm going to cover the thing with a tarpaulin, so just wanted bits that would give a good shape.

I have a terrible pot of GW black spray - that gives the uneven finish, but at least it doesn't come out lumpy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa Ogryn

So - if you have been following the blog you'll have seen the ogryn I converted, and while in my shop recently, I saw a christmas themed figure competition, and though this guy looked like a pretty good santa.

Give him a red coat and white fur, and a sled full of ammo crates, and a little story about beleagered Valhallans, desperately low on ammo, being saved by the timely arrival of one ogryn with a sled load of power cells who has fought his way through a shit-ton of enemy.....

I wanted to finish off those knights before i got to work on this guy. The deadline is christmas eve, which gives me just under a week to go. Have a mini-diaorama in mind, and will start work on that as well.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

thanks guys!

Really enjoying these guys, and the new empire figures in general. I think I'm a bit odd. I 'get' into armies via the figures and the stories I can imagine them in. These guys are tough, gritty and take no shit.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

batch 2 WIP

I find personally that the empire knights are too 'historical' and not fantastical enough for me, and I'm sure gw will bring out a new set next year. IN the meantime, Ive ordered forge world black templar storm shields as these look pretty good for empire knights.

here are some WIP pictures. Really enjoying these guys, in my head they're from an order called Teutonic Knights who garrison bleak castles along the norther borders of nordland, with the task of keeping out chaos.

Like the idea of them so much, i'm thinking of painting up an order of teutonic knights, with supporting foot troops all in the same black and white chequer board pattern.