Really enjoying these guys, and the new empire figures in general. I think I'm a bit odd. I 'get' into armies via the figures and the stories I can imagine them in. These guys are tough, gritty and take no shit.
Lovely miniatures. You've captured the wonderful kind-of-dark-and-serious/kind-of-slightly-comic semi-controlled madness of old warhammer perfectly. Gritty, extravagant, post-medieval gothic fantasy. My hat goes off to you, sir.
Really liking these guys, they have a very classic gritty, fanatic look to them. Can't wait to see what you do with state troops etc.
War is not good for country economy run rate
Plastic Card
Lovely miniatures. You've captured the wonderful kind-of-dark-and-serious/kind-of-slightly-comic semi-controlled madness of old warhammer perfectly. Gritty, extravagant, post-medieval gothic fantasy. My hat goes off to you, sir.
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