Wednesday, April 30, 2008

sneak peaks!

I'm working on the leader of my grail reliquary: a bishop of course! And another of the pilgrims...

And next unit on my list will be the monkish men at arms, one of whom is below.

As far as timing, there's three weeks to go and tons to paint, so really need to get into a rhythm......

Monday, April 21, 2008

archers WIP

OK: archers work in progress. I'm chosing purple and white as my army colours, as this goes nicely with the palatinate theme of the monks. More of them soon...

Here are some of the archers in progress. I had a lot of fun extreme highlighting the leather, starting with a bestial brown and black, washed over with chestnut and dark angel green ink, then highlighted up through snakebite leather, snakebit and yellow, kommando khaki and then thin highlights of elf flesh and white.

I then glazed them with thinned flesh wash, and retouched the highlights.

The white has been fairly straighforward, and now needs the white to be touched up again. I'll wait and see how the purple turns out to see if i need to dull the leather down a little with another glaze.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

next up: archers

want to have the pleasure of banging a unit out, so started on my archers. Basing them so that the guys at either end are going to be in the water. Otherwise, some cork rocks and I've gone for a few knight and a few empire heads in the mix.

Pegasus bases looking good. the little stub will be sticking out of a lake.

OK: finished up the grail reliquary this evening. Really pleased with this, and think it's going to make a great centrepiece for the army. It's taken me way too long however, and there's 4 weeks now till the Hong Kong GT, and I have the rest of the army to paint, so am going to have to really get my painting skates on. I found the monk looked a little bare standing on his own, so made the little book stand for him to be reading from. Once I made that, I found that the front needed something just to make it a bit more interesting and so added a scroll from the flagellant sprue.

I have a little lad to sit on the back and shoot a catapult, but I'm going to leave him until the rest of the army is finished, rather than waste time with him now. Thanks for the comments on the highlighting. There's actually three layers on the straps and belts etc, which hasn't really come out with my lighting set up.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cart rough fit together

Got most of the basic parts of the cart painted up: there's a banner pole to come, because everything in warhammer needs a banner pole....!

think I'm going to add a book/lecturn for the monk to be reading from, which will really tie this piece up nicely. Never painted candles before, and always been a little apprehensive about painting flames, but very happy with this so far!

Friday, April 4, 2008

monk finished

Finished off the monk, and rather than give him his book to read from I wanted something a little more bretonnian. I hovered between a incense censor, and liked the idea of a bell more. Serves as a club at the same time. I'm having a lot of fun playing around with this guy and the reliquaries on his cart, and doing alot of glazes on the armour. I also had a little play with the sheild, and want to try and make this extreme highlighting the style with the knights: to accenuate their semi-magical/mythical status.