Wednesday, April 16, 2008

OK: finished up the grail reliquary this evening. Really pleased with this, and think it's going to make a great centrepiece for the army. It's taken me way too long however, and there's 4 weeks now till the Hong Kong GT, and I have the rest of the army to paint, so am going to have to really get my painting skates on. I found the monk looked a little bare standing on his own, so made the little book stand for him to be reading from. Once I made that, I found that the front needed something just to make it a bit more interesting and so added a scroll from the flagellant sprue.

I have a little lad to sit on the back and shoot a catapult, but I'm going to leave him until the rest of the army is finished, rather than waste time with him now. Thanks for the comments on the highlighting. There's actually three layers on the straps and belts etc, which hasn't really come out with my lighting set up.

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