Bought a ton of aquarimn plants from a few local shops which come pre-painted, or rather - not necessary to paint.
Storage Shed
Had this olive oil tin kicking round for ages. I've stuck it onto a cheap acrylic painting board, which cost about $2, and surrounded it with polystyrene. I cut around the tin with a hot wire cutter, so the tin sits into the ground (to give a more extablished feel) and deliberately left the front quite open, as I wanted this to look more trodden and used.
I had a few bits of plastic rod to add a bit of texture to the long surfaces, and used brass etched rivets from MIG productions, although there are many cheaper ways of adding bumps to surfaces:
The doors were from my bitz box, the ladder from a new leman russ, as was the aquilla and the space, for clearing away all that mud!
Looking forward to painting this up, and really weathering it with rust and moss and algea etc. It's alsoa great flat surface for some bit lettering, and will probably do something along the lines of grey base, orange numbering, to contrast nicely with the green foliage.
I found some brass etched folliage from the GW warhammer basing kit, and thought this would look good crawling up the back.
Also in this last photo you can see the basing material, which was a mix of water, glue, filler, sand and a few lumps of cork. I let a little of this go onto the storage shed sides, and smeared the bits that fell off onto the top and the sides to mimic dirt and debris.
Now: I'll leave this to dry and next step painting.
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