Cadian Panthers: I had a picture of this guy in my head for a while: a cadian trooper in pure black. I altered him a little by using old elf legs to get the kneeling pose.

Colca Stormhawks: there's a unit of carapace armour drop troops in the back of the IG book, but I based this guy on the original Elysian Drop troops from a white dwarf article after Armageddon. Actually, I think I'm going to use this guy as a base for fdrop troops for my Mech Grenadier list.

Valhallan 501st 'Icebreakers'
When I bought my metal IG army, why the hell didn't I buy Valhallans?! The figures are awesome, and for some dumb reason I bought Tallarn and then switched to the metal Cadians. Got some of these guys again to be crew for my space ship, and love them. Didn't do anything particularly spectacular with this guy, just a dappled camop scheme of three or four colours, and then used a black weathering powder on his gun barrel, which didn't really come off with the dark shades already. Also used a mixed GW wash on the grenade launcher, and it shades really nicely, which I touched up with grey highlights.

I got a few Mordians to be officers for a Imperial Navy crew IG list I am going to paint someday - but never really liked the Mordian figures I'd seen painted before: but actually really enjoyed painting this guy. Went for a German WWI colour scheme, a kind of off green and grey mix. Really nicely modelled, and i used a black/brown wash on his gun barrel and a highlight of boltgun and mithril. Also played around with some new weathering powders on the rust of the barbed wire posts. I imagine this guy part of some sucessful, though catastrophically costly, Mordian assault, across No Man's Land on some godforsaken planet, and wanted the base to tell the story.

Suprised myself how much fun I had doing these guys: and the Stormhawk allowed me to test a slightly brighter paint scheme for my mech grenadiers. I prefer the duller armour plates of the original, but think I'm going to go with the grey base of the uniform, rather than brown, as it gives them a more high tech look. Also very impressed with the washes: they cover really well, don't leave water marks, and dry quickly and matt. Awesome!

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